11 June 2009

Random Post

I haven't been feeling real well the last few days so today I finally decided to stay home. I really want to try and get to feeling better for the weekend. "Why?" you may ask.. because Bryan and I are going to Ocala for the weekend to spend time with that precious baby that you saw in a previous post. Yes, that would be our handsome little nephew, Michael Joshua Corbitt Sherman, and I'm going to get myself back up to 100% so I can be able to hold him.

When I have a baby, you can bet your life that all hands will be washed and clean before touching.. and I give no less the respect for other families.

Last weekend, Bryan and I went to Douglas for my cousin Lori's baby shower. It was quite fun and I'm so excited for her. It was so sweet because she's the one who is pregnant and although she is excited during her own pregnancy, all she kept saying was.. "Miranda, I know it will happen and you guys are going to have a beautiful baby when it does." She is basically like a sister to me and I can't wait to meet her baby girl, Izabella Harmony Ellerton. Lori's pregnancy makes the very first time I've ever felt a baby kick and it was amazing! I just kept rubbing her belly all day long. I love pregnant bellies! :)

Just as a side note: If you read the post about me running into a lot of coincidences lately, I am watching one of the baby shows on Discovery Health and the baby girl that was just born is named Miranda. :)

I also want to say in the random post of events, thank you so much for all of the kinds words, emails and messages that I've received. Most people I know have a mySpace and can't comment on here but I've received lots of love and support. I pass all the words of encouragement on to Bryan since he's not as computer savvy as I am. :) We appreciate all of it and it really keeps us going. I can't say thank you enough for caring.

1 comment:

Lacey said...

you never felt brody kick?