09 July 2009

1st Cycle - 2nd Appointment

Yesterday didn't go as well as I hoped for. It wasn't horrible but Mrs. Terri did want to remind us that this may not work in the first month. I mean, I get the fact that things don't happen instantly and it takes time and all but I just expected to go in there and her be like, "Oh great, right on schedule!" I guess I was just being optimistic. Instead, she mentioned that I'm either not responding to the dosage of Clomid or I'm just a slow responder because I'm not ovulating yet. My appointment schedule changed a little bit and I go back in on Monday.

The way she explained it to Bryan and I was this. Each month when ovulation occurs, in a healthy woman, a follicle (or more) will mature to be an egg. Those eggs are the quarterbacks. Quarterbacks don't guarantee a touchdown (conception) but without a quarterback, there is no touchdown. In a PCOS woman, no one wants to stand up and be a quarterback. My follicles are not turning in to eggs. I'm just not ovulating. The Clomid is supposed to help ovulation occur and for us to have our quarterback.

If I don't respond to the first dose, then next month they can increase the dosage or try something else. If they go ahead and start me out at too high of a dose, then I could produce too many follicles. Either way, they would have to stop the cycle and try whatever is going to work in making just one healthy baby to have as normal of a pregnancy as possible. So basically, it's just this big adjustment experiment. Since everyone is different, it all depends on how each individual reacts to each treatment.

So, that being said, we shall see. We're keeping our fingers crossed for a quarterback. :)